The 16th of October, 2007

   It has not even been a year since it has been formed. Whenever there was a gathering among our friends, we would always sigh, only if we could be in school again and could relive that fun and warmth. We would always lament like that but one day one of our classmates, Arindam, suddenly came up with this idea of a community, reunion… We were tantalized but we didn’t dare. We didn’t think it would be possible.

 It seemed such a huge task to get everyone together. Moreover, we were lost in touch with most of our seniors; we didn’t know many of the juniors. By the time we were pondering over these ‘impossibilities’ – Arindam and Ashwinida, another highly excited, devoted aspirant, were defiantly ready with their battalion of enthusiasts-Ayanda, Sabyasachida, Rohit, Kunduda, Vivekda, Arpanda, Indranil, Tapobrata, Indradeep, Saborno… I gave up. So did all who were apprehensive.


    In the early days I remember how we missed our Head Sir. We still do. He had always wanted us to have a community, our own alumni and would often talk of Re-union. WE just wish if only he could be with us…


    We had our first meeting… and then series of meetings followed. We had our name ‘VIBGYOR’. And we were ‘we’ again. I remember those long sultry afternoons we spent on steaming debates, ending up with a whole lot of crazy, interesting and exiting ideas. Of course, all of us used to feel like Alice in Wonderland at times! To conceive something so great in scope, then carrying it out the way we want it to be… seems simple but isn’t so. We were starting from scratch. But then we had the immense support and encouragement of our dear Rector Sir, our Aunties, Sirs, Rabikaku, Krishnakaku and of courses our senior dada-didis, classmates and juniors. VIBGYOR had already stated its magic…

we got calls and males from curious juniors, we hadn’t seen. Seniors, who had long been obscure, peered out to reach us. Our teachers were eager. The response was huge. And now, nothing can stop us from having our first re-union. Well, the rest… is history.

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